Things you must know about makeup before you travel.
Many of us love to take a little break from everyday life and travel but packing makeup and applying makeup in different countries isn’t always the same as when we are at home. Let me simplify that for you by telling you all the important things to know before you take that trip!
Packing For A Break
Sometimes we can feel like we don’t have enough room for all the things we want to pack because of the luggage restrictions, the size of all our ‘full sized items’ or because we can’t decide what we’re going to need until we get there!
For this I have completed a list’ what to take on holiday’ which you can use so you never forget an item:
- Cleanser
- Cotton Pads/Tissues
- Other Skincare
- Moisturiser
- Primer
- Concealer
- Base
- Bronzer
- Blusher
- Higlighter
- Eyeshadow
- Liner/Khol
- Mascara
- Lip Liner
- Lipstick
- Brow Product
- Sponge/Brushes
- Lashes or Lash Tools
- Face SPF
Helpful Preparation
Getting miniature versions of your items is always a great way to space save in your makeup bag. These can be found in most high street beauty stores like Boots and Superdrug, but for more of the miniature makeup items look at Look Fantastic and Selfridges or even the airport.
Where possible decant. Decant the amount you need into smaller travel sized tubs, bottles, or jars. Bear in mind that ideally items should be placed into the same kind of packaging. What I mean here is if you have moisturiser in a glass bottle it should really be decanted into a mini glass bottle/jar for the item to have the same effect. If it isn’t, it may not work as well.
Purchasing Makeup On Your Travels
Many of us will look to purchase things at the airport. But on most occasions, you will end up paying the same or more. So, if you think you’re going to get a bargain like the good old days you’re in for a surprise. Over the last 2 years of travels, I have compared prices at the airport to in stores in the UK and on 99% of these occasions it has been cheaper to purchase the items at home. On the occasions where it has been cheaper at the airport, it has been because there was a specific offer on the items I was buying or a gifted item that made it more value.
When looking at prices in the stores abroad (again mostly in Europe) I have found the same!
Your cheapest way to buy items is usually online!
Makeup And Lighting
When you are away from home everything is a little different and where you apply makeup is no exception to this. Often there is a dressing area or a mirror with lights in the bathroom.
Wherever the mirror is, is usually where we head to, but the artificial lights can sometimes leave us with a different look when we get outside into the daylight. They can leave us with more makeup on than we thought or things not appearing as well blended as we thought it was.
The best place to get ready on your trip is in front of the window or on the balcony where you have the natural light.
Things That You Need To Consider Before Packing Makeup
If you only have a few items of makeup, it makes things much simpler, but if you’re the opposite and have different eyeshadows and lipsticks for different outfits/looks it isn’t as easy.
Try to get organised and plan outfits first this way you can plan the lip and shadow colours to go with them.
A great way to choose is also to pick shades for ‘day wear’ a ‘day to night’ wear and then ‘evening wear’ this helps to cover all bases.
What type of weather will you experience is it warmer? or cooler? Or the same?
Dependent on the type of weather you may want to consider the following:
Skincare – you may need extra items or a different type for example if you know your skin becomes quite dry in cold weather and you are going on a cold holiday then you may want to take a richer moisturiser or serum etc.
Primer and base – you may want to change this dependant on the weather. For a hotter trip you may want a more lightweight base but then may need a heavier primer or vice versa. Think about how your makeup usually works in that weather to assist you. Also think about if its going to be a long day and it needs to be long lasting.
Mascara – Consider waterproof options if you’re going to be doing wet activities.
Blusher/Lipstick/Eyeshadow – Take a variety to suit your plans and outfits.
Consider all makeup products and if you’re going to be better with cream, liquid or gel products based on the weather. Liquids and creams tend to contain more oils and can be more moveable than powder if not controlled.
This guide will hopefully help you with your makeup and travel plans but if you have more questions feel free to get in touch. Enjoy, and safe travels!