So, you want to know how to simplify your makeup routine in the morning?
We all have these great intentions for morning routines and when it gets to the morning you realise you just don’t have enough time to do it all! So once again you take the hit and the time you need for yourself gets crossed off the list. Everything once again feels rushed and instead of walking out of your house feeling like a Yummy Mummy, you feel somewhat exhausted from what you’ve just experienced! Read on and I will go through how to simplify your makeup routine.
I’m going to share some tried and tested tips from my clients who have already hacked their makeup routine and now saving time and making getting ready in the morning a little easier:
Skip it – for those of you that need to shave a few minutes from mirror time, a few of my clients have admitted they will skip the complex eye look and just prime them or do a quick and simple one colour eye look, it still looks great but just much quicker to do. This will save you time.
Do it later – One of my clients who tends to be short of time does everything with her makeup apart from mascara and lipstick. She leaves that for when she gets to work and applies it in the car before she goes off to start the day. This is an easy one to make a new habit.
Practice – ever heard the saying practice makes perfect? Well it does, lots of my clients say it would take an excess of 20 minutes to apply makeup, but with their new improved methods they have changed their habits and mastered their new simple method that makes it take half that time and eventually 5 minutes! This is allowing them to get a better result but in less time. A no brainer i would say!
The right tools for the job – Some of clients can’t believe how by having the correct brush or sponge or method they can apply their products much quicker and correctly. An example here was for foundation as soon as they realise how much smoother it would sit with the correct brush they ditched using their hands or the thick bristled brush they had! This made everything much quicker! Accuracy of the application again saves the time and faff of spending longer trying to perfect something when it isnt even.
Don’t be distracted – we all know that if you keep pulling away from a task then it takes longer than if you were to do it all at once! So, make sure the doors not about to go, children are entertained. I have one client who gets her little one involved giving her cotton pads to pretend she is doing something and brushes etc (nothing she’s going to need though!)
Knowing exactly what you do need and don’t is a huge help, I have clients that are shocked by all the unecessary products they were using. If you would like to get clear on what you should be using, how, and where get in touch and come and work with me. I can help with all of the above. By the end of your session you’ll have simple solutions to things you’ve always wondered about with makeup. Do I need to use ‘X’ product? Should I be using this colour? Why cant I get foundation to ‘sit right’? Why is my concealer not working? Do I need to buy more makeup?
You will go away with a new 5 minute routine and a quick go to step by step plan. Nothing complicated i promise! But the main thing is you will see a huge difference compared to how your makeup appears now.
Get in touch by email or whatsapp and lets chat, and finally say bye to makeup uncertainty!