Being a huge makeup Lover and always finding something ‘new’ that I ‘need’ you may think this article a little strange?! But sometimes it’s not new makeup you need!
Magic, pore reducing, flawless, weightless, anti ageing, full coverage, and second skin are all the words we love to hear when it comes to buying a new foundation. And how easy is it to get drawn into buying a new makeup at the first sound of one of these words??! The answer is very!
We get so excited at the thought that all our skin problems or ongoing dilemmas will be solved by the glittery excitement of this new shiny product that we have absolutely no fear in parting with our hard earned cash to resolve our issues, in-fact we justify it!
Don’t worry ladies you are not alone here! We all do it…..
So let me tell you about the most common foundation dilemma at the moment. If you are suffering from this, hopefully this will help save some pennies.
Dilemma: “my foundation is just sitting too matt and it wasn’t like this when I bought it… what foundation should she buy next?”
Why this happens: The weather has been changing from hotter to cold and this has changed your skin to be slightly dry in areas and therefore the finish of the foundation will sit a little uneven and even more matt, due to your skin taking all the extra moisture … after all it needs it!
Its’ simple this happens to most people at some point so the cure is not to just get another foundation but to look at how to get her skin back how it was or how to get this foundation to look creamier! This is if you have always loved this foundation on you previously that is!
Top tips to cure this:
- Mix your foundation with a little moisturiser and give your skin a little extra moisture surge
- The reason the foundation is sitting more matt is your skin is taking more moisture out of it! Put a barrier on ie a primer so this gives you a smoother layer to put foundation on or stops the foundations natural moisture from absorbing into the skin
- Or for this time of year get your serum out. Serum can allow the skin to absorb more moisture from your moisturiser therefore stopping it sucking the life out of your foundation
- Or up the skincare ritual, moisturise in the morning and before bed it will be sure to have your skin back to its normal self in no time!
- Or even a little highlighter mixed with said foundation will give that brightening effect.
- Check how long you have had this product some foundations had a best before of three months some more so just take a look at the this image on your product or packaging

There are several options to try before dumping your once favourite foundation so don’t give in to buying a new foundation no matter how much it seems like a great idea!